My 3 Tips for Stronger & Longer Orgasms

We all love orgasms right? But you may have noticed that not all orgasms are made equal. Sometimes, they seem a little on the weaker side or like they came and went way too quickly for your liking. And this is totally normal. But also… a little annoying.  

The great news is that we don’t need to stick to orgasms that are only so, so. In this blog I’ll be sharing 3 amazing techniques that you can use to elongate your orgasms and make them last longer and feel stronger every time.

#1. Learn how to become more aroused

A lot of people tend to overlook arousal, but it’s actually an essential part of any orgasm. Without the feeling of arousal, you may find that you struggle to orgasm at all and this is because arousal is the precursor to orgasm and this build-up is essential to being able to orgasm at all. Basically, the more aroused you are, the more potential there is for your orgasm to be amazing. Better arousal results in better orgasms.

So, how can you increase your level of arousal? A key way to do this is simply to slow down. Or, at least to slow down your usual pace to allow your body to go into a deeper state of arousal: The arousal trance as I like to call it. 

For many of us, our sexual experiences tend to be quite fast and goal-oriented with a partner and during solo play. We get ourselves all worked up and excited so we can get there quickly, have the explosion of orgasm and then we are done. But, if we want the orgasm to be more expansive and powerful, we need to make sure that the build up – the arousal stage – is also deeper and longer.  

A great way to go into a deeper state of arousal is to play between two different states; excitement and relaxation. We can do that by building up the excited sexual energy in our body, then to relax back into that aroused state we have generated. And repeat it. Build up that energy and relax back into it. 

This dance between the sympathetic nervous system, which gets the body worked up and ready for action and the parasympathetic nervous system, which moves the body into a relaxed state can be visualized like riding a wave. Working up that fiery, exciting energy and then melting into the soft relaxing energy. 

The longer we can stay in this wave without trying to reach orgasm, the more energy we can build up. So, by the time the orgasm comes, you’ve generated enough energy for the orgasm to feel more profound. It’s all about using your energy to create more fuel (arousal) for the big bang (orgasm). 


#2. Edging – the process of teasing yourself

Edging is the practice of orgasm control to maintain a high level of arousal for a long time. It occurs when your body feels like it cannot take any more energy and the orgasm is right there in front of you. Instead of going into the orgasm, try to slow your body back down and not give in to it just yet. That is edging. 

So, I know that sounds kind of hard right? But, doing this can be pretty easy when you find the right process for you. There are two main ways to achieve this. The first is to stop all stimulation completely when you are ready to slow things down again. The other, which is my personal favorite, is to stop stimulating that particular area and to move your hands over the rest of your body and spread that arousal energy all over.  

You can do this 2, 3 or even 4 times to tease yourself and build up more energy inside your body. Just like with the arousal stage, the more we can tease ourselves, the more energy we are building. So, when that orgasm comes, it’s going to feel a lot more satisfying. 


#3. Visualize that you are breathing in the orgasm

This is all about using your breath to move the energy throughout your body. Clitoral orgasms, in particular, can feel very localized to the specific area of your outer vulva. They tend to be sharp, short and feel like they are exploding from that point in your body. Which isn’t to say that these orgasms don’t feel amazing, but by using your breath you can turn these short, sharp orgasms into full-body ones. All you need to do is visualize yourself breathing in the orgasmic energy at the moment of orgasm and use your breath to move it throughout your body. 

Here are some tips to help you with that.

  • Visualize the sexual energy like a stream of light. As you orgasm, imagine that light streaming up your spine as you breathe in, and circulating back down the front of your body as you breathe out. 
  • Squeeze your PC muscles during the moment of orgasm. These are the same muscles you use to hold in your pee midstream. When you orgasm, squeeze these muscles tightly and imagine you are pumping the energy upwards with them. Make sure your breath is deep, full and long and keep on repeating these deep breaths to move the energy up throughout your body, allowing it to become more expansive.  

Clitoral orgasms are very contraction based orgasms so we tend to tense up and keep the energy stored in that area. This practice will help to open up and expand your orgasm throughout your wider body. Breathe it in and feel your whole body open, expand and vibrate with that orgasmic energy.

Remember that these techniques will take practice and it may take a few tries to get the hang of it. But, don’t give up! Longer, stronger and more powerful orgasms await and you are going to have so much fun testing out these techniques. I promise 😉