Yoni Steaming 101

Let’s talk about yoni steaming. And, yes, it is basically exactly what it sounds like. It is the process of using steam to cleanse the vagina. Although it seems that this is a new practice, due to its recent surge in popularity, vaginal steaming has actually been practiced all over the world for many years. Indigenous peoples from South America, Indonesia and Africa all practice some form of vaginal steaming. Sometimes they just use hot water, whilst others use water and herbs, or even smokes and coals like in some African countries. Regardless of how they perform it, the idea behind it remains the same.

What is yoni steaming?


Yoni steaming is the process of using steam and sometimes a blend of herbs, to cleanse the vagina, the cervix and the womb. It is done by simply sitting over a concoction of hot water and herbs to release the steam up into the vagina, through the cervix and into the womb.

What does yoni steaming do?


While there is no research yet about the effects and benefits of vaginal steaming, it is a process that has been performed by women for centuries with a lot of success.

There are many benefits to this practice…

+ Reducing menstrual cramps and bloating during your period.

+ To help with fibroids or cysts.

+ To help create a more regular cycle and ease irregular menstruation.

+ To treat vaginal dryness and create a more lubricated environment.

+ To help heal the body following childbirth. Steaming can quicken the healing process and reduce scar tissue.

Personally, I have experienced very painful menstrual cramps and have found yoni steaming to be the only thing that has helped to ease these pains. If I forget to steam, or do not have the time to do so due to traveling or work commitments, I will usually experience cramps during my period. However, when I steam once or twice a month, I usually won’t experience any cramping at all.

How does it work?


While there is no scientific research, there is a clear theory that explains how this works. When we are menstruating, our uterus contracts and this causes painful cramping if the uterus is needing to work extra hard to shed the uterine lining. Sometimes during our period, our body does not completely shed and there can be residue and old blood that dries up and remains stuck to the walls of the uterus. It is this that the uterus needs to work harder to remove during your period.

When you steam your vagina, the steam rises up through the cervix into the womb. This warm steam starts to liquefy and soften that old residue. This means during your next period that it can come out cleanly and easily without needing to work too hard.

If you want to find out more about the process, check out the website https://steamychick.com/. The woman that runs this website has undertaken research with hundreds of her personal clients over an extended period of time. She recorded all the changes and the benefits that her clients experienced through regular yoni steaming’s and the results prove this theory.

You might hear the argument that the vagina is a self-cleaning mechanism and it does not need any steaming or further cleansing, and, for the most part, I do actually agree with this. I definitely don’t think that we need to douche or clean out our vaginas as it can take care of ourselves but I do not believe that this applies further inside our bodies. 

In modern times with the types of food that we eat, the chemicals that we are exposed to, and the amount of stress that we are experiencing, our bodies are not in their natural, optimal order. There is no longer that same perfect sync and harmony with nature.

While in our optimal state, we wouldn’t need to do any form of steaming or cleansing. But, in our current state, many women do tend to struggle with regular menstrual cramps, fibroids or cysts, suggesting that there is a widespread imbalance happening inside our bodies. And, yoni steaming is one of the few things that does help. It is an all natural, non-invasive process that can really make a difference.

How to perform a yoni steaming at home?


Performing a yoni steaming at home is actually very simple so long as you have the right tools first. You will need a pot with a lid, a safe surface to rest it on the floor on, a stool or chair that has open access to your vagina when you are sitting on it, and herbs if you want to include them.

Now, a quick word in the herbs as different ones are used for different reasons. If you have a particular issue that you want to treat with this process, then it is worthwhile heading to your local herb specialist or Ayurveda or Chinese medicine doctor. They will be able to point you in the right direction for your needs.

But, of course, there are also a group of herbs, that we call the general herbs, which have all sorts of benefits and are just good for female wellbeing.

My go-to blend is a mix of Lavender, Rose Petals, Mugwort, Yarrow, Motherwort, & Calendula.

Step by Step Instructions


1.    Boil a large pot of water.

2.    Pour this over your blend of herbs into a large pot with a lid.

3.    Cover with lid and allow to simmer away for 5 – 10 minutes.

4.    Once simmered, place the pot on the floor on a safe surface and place your yoni chair over the top.

5.    Remove the cover from the pot and test the heat of the steam on your hand. If it is ok, you can take a seat. If it is too hot, leave it a little longer.

6.    Let the steaming magic do its work on your yoni.

Take this time to relax and enjoy this process. Yoni steaming is a beautiful ritual to reconnect to your womb. Visualize the steam coming up through the vaginal canal, through the cervix, into your womb. Feel the healing energy and release any physical or energetic residue that you may be holding to. Let go of anything that is no longer serving you.

I perform this ritual about 2 times every month. Usually 1 week before my period to due, and also 1 week after it finishes. This way I know that I am thoroughly cleansing my body of the things it no longer needs.

Things to be careful of when Yoni Steaming

There are a few things to be aware of when yoni steaming, but these are all easily avoided with a little care.

Don’t burn yourself. Check with your hand first to make sure the heat of the steam is not going to burn your delicate skin or be uncomfortable.

Never steam while you are on your period. On your period your body is already going through a downward release so you can give your body a break and allow the natural process to occur.

Do not steam if you are pregnant. Steaming creates a softening and loosening of the cervix which could induce a miscarriage. So if you are pregnant, or potentially pregnant absolutely avoid any type of yoni steaming.

You can not perform yoni steaming’s if you have an IUD for the same reason as above. If your cervix is softened, the IUD may fall out of place.

You should also avoid yoni steaming if you have a bacterial or yeast infection. The steam creates a warm, hot environment which is ideal for bacterial growth if there is already an imbalance.

When you first start yoni steaming, you may notice some differences during your period. There may be thicker or darker blood. Dark or clotted blood is older blood which is a sign that cleansing of the uterus is occurring. If you are cleansing for self-care and maintenance, then doing it once or twice a month is perfect. If there is a particular issue that you want to work through, it may be helpful to find a practitioner who can help you obtain the maximum benefits.